Thursday, July 2, 2009

Response to Paul Gee's Ideas on "discourse"

Dominant Discourse is a lot like secondary discourse. It's how you have to act when you're not at home. The society wants you to act a certain way. It's how you act at a certain place and time. It can determine how people think of you as well.

College is a new experience. You have to adapt to the new environment now. The discourse that used during hight school will change in some ways, but not in a lot of ways. You'll learn new things in college and new habits that you'll pick up on.

Discourse and power are somewhat connected in my opinion. The way you are and act in the society gives you more power. If you had a great job with a big title, you would have more power in the society. If you acted like a jerk or did something, then you might not be liked very much. Our society determines how much power you have depending on what you do as a career and how what you say in the public.

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